1. The public comment period on FDA's draft Guidance for Industry #256 on animal compounding ends February 18, 2020. FDA needs to hear from veterinarians and PET OWNERS. This guidance will prohibit RCP from compounding many of the medications we currently supply for your pets. Draft GFI #256 on animal compounding is based on an incomplete understanding of both veterinary and pharmacy compounding practice and the veterinary compounding marketplace. Ask FDA to withdraw it. We’ve made it easy to comment here: https://www.a4pc.org/…/Federal-a…/VoterVoice-Campaigns.aspx…
2. To recap where we are on Compounded hormones: estriol and other bioidentical hormones have been nominated to the FDA’s Demonstrably Difficult to Compound List; items that appear on the list when it is final will no longer be able to be made at compounding pharmacies. The FDA convened a National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) committee to study the clinical utility of treating patients with compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (cBHRT); the findings of this committee will be used by the FDA to make a final decision on the fate of estriol and other compounded hormones. Action Alert! Write to Congress and the FDA, telling them to protect access to compounded bioidentical hormones. Please send your message immediately.